1 Idea Generation | The investment team tries to identify the best possible investment opportunities within the Truston investment universe. Investment ideas emerge from company visits, quantitative screening, seminars, and discussions with analysts. |
2 Fundamental Research | Fundamental analysis is performed to determine which stocks should be actively covered. It is driven by industry due diligence, quantitative due diligence and qualitative due diligence. |
3 Earnings Forecast & Valuation | Analysts construct three year or more earnings forecast and valuation models for every stock actively covered. Stocks that exhibit the strongest growth potential relative to its price and intrinsic value calculations are presented to the Investment Committee for consideration. |
4 Investment Committee Review | The investment team collectively discusses the various investment opportunities to narrow down to the highest conviction names. We are also cross-check through overseas company visit and analysis. |
5 Portfolio Rebalancing | 1. Price action is regularly reviewed versus internal projections. 2. Stocks that reach their internal price targets have their position sizes reduced unless fundamentals justify a new higher price target. 3. Stocks that decline in value are reviewed to determine whether fundamentals have deteriorated and should therefore be sold. |